消化器:肝臓ASQ法(Acoustic Structure Quantification)
脂肪肝の定性及び定量検査としてのFocal disturbance ratio (FD Ratio)の検討
Usefulness of the Focal Disturbance Ratio(FD Ratio) in Patients with Fatty Liver
伝法 秀幸1, 斎藤 聡2, 窪田 幸一1, 宇賀神 陽子1, 竹内 和男3
Hideyuki DENPO1, Satoshi SAITOH2, Kouichi KUBOTA1, Yoko UGAJIN1, Kazuo TAKEUCHI3
1虎の門病院分院臨床検査部, 2虎の門病院肝臓センター, 3虎の門病院消化器科
1Department of Clinical Laboratory, Toranomon Hospital kajigaya, 2Department of Hepatology, Toranomon Hospital, 3Department of Gastroenterology, Toranomon Hospital
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