Online Journal
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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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2008 - Vol.35

Vol.35 No.05

State of the Art(特集)

(0513 - 0520)


Current state of the upper abdominal screening using ultrasonography: the relationship with other medical societies and the future state that it should be

小野寺 博義

Hiroyoshi ONODERA


Department of Gastroenterology, Miyagi Cancer Center

キーワード : mass screening, abdominal ultrasonography, evaluation

腹部超音波検診に関して初めて報告がされてから25年になる.しかし,現在の腹部超音波検診はエビデンスに基づくことなく,エビデンスを求めようともせずに漫然と行われている.科学的根拠に基づく保健医療(evidence-based healthcare)とは程遠い現状にある.超音波検診の信頼失墜の前に超音波検診のデータ解析を早急に行い,エビデンスを確立する必要がある.そのためには,日本超音波医学会がイニシアティブを発揮し,超音波検診を科学的根拠に基づく保健医療(evidence-based healthcare)とするための施策を講じるために,超音波検査を検診に用いている各学会に共同して検討することを呼びかけるべきである.

Twenty-five years have passed since the reports on upper abdominal screening using ultrasonography were published for the first time in 1982. However, the upper abdominal screening using ultrasonography has been performed without having evaluation and is far from evidence-based healthcare. It is necessary to analyze the data of the screening immediately before loosing confidence, and to establish the evidence. In order to evaluate the upper abdominal screening using ultrasonography and to have the evidence, the Japan Society of Ultrasonics in Medicine should take the initiative in conducting the study which should be performed jointly with other medical societies that use the ultrasonography in the medical screening.