Online Journal
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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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2008 - Vol.35

Vol.35 No.06

Review Article(総説)

(0623 - 0629)


On the safety of ultrasound exposure

工藤 信樹, 山本 克之

Nobuki KUDO, Katsuyuki YAMAMOTO


Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Hokkaido University

キーワード : ultrasound safety, thermal effects, non-thermal effects, safety standards, ALARA principle

超音波診断装置の性能はこの10年間にさらに長足の進歩を遂げ,安全規格の国際化に伴って超音波の出力規制に関する考え方も大きく変更された.装置には,超音波の熱的および非熱的作用の程度を表す指標TIとMIがリアルタイムに表示され,操作者はこれらの指標を参考に,生体作用を生じることのリスクと不十分な画質で診断することのリスクを秤にかけて適切な超音波出力で診断することが求められている.TIとMIをスピードメータとして現在の出力を心にとめ,常にALARA(as low as reasonably achievable)の原則に則って超音波診断を行っていく必要がある.

In the past decade, remarkable progress has been made in the performance of diagnostic ultrasound equipment, and the basic policy regarding safety standards of acoustic output has also changed with the wave of globalization. Diagnostic equipment can now display TI and MI (thermal and mechanical indices) in real time, and operators of the equipment must determine the adequate acoustic output level by weighing the risks of adversely affecting tissue and making a diagnosis using an image of insufficient quality. The ALARA (as low as reasonably achievable) principle should be respected, with displayed TI and MI being used as a speedometer.