Online Journal
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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

にて英文誌のFull textを閲覧することができます.


2009 - Vol.36

Vol.36 No.03

State of the Art(特集)

(0289 - 0300)


The ultrasonic diagnosis of diffuse liver disease

小川 眞広, 廣井 喜一, 松本 直樹, 阿部 真久, 森山 光彦

Masahiro OGAWA, Yoshikazu HIROI, Naoki MATUMOTO, Masahisa ABE, Mituhiko MORIYAMA


Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Nihon University School of Medicene

キーワード : chronic liver disease, image reconstruction, B-flow


Major purposes of imaging studies in diffuse liver diseases are (1) determination of both clinical state and severity of the disease based on their morphology, (2) observation to detect complications or extrahepatic lesions, (3) and inference of causative disorders. Abdominal ultrasonography is usually carried out using a 3- to 5-MHz convex probe, and followed study by a linear-type high-frequency probe is helpful to have close-up information. It is essential that these ultrasonographic diagnostic procedures focus on lesion location and such changes in lesions as destruction, abnormal deposition, or disorders in inflow or excretion. I describe specifically what the examination should focus on when ultrasonography is used to examine for diffuse liver disease.