Online Journal
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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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2009 - Vol.36

Vol.36 No.06

State of the Art(特集)

(0669 - 0678)

乳腺領域におけるReal-time Virtual Sonographyの臨床的有用性について

Clinical usefulness of real-time virtual sonography for breast imaging

佐竹 弘子, 西尾 明子, 石垣 聡子, 川村 麻里子, 長縄 慎二



Department of Radiology, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine

キーワード : breast, ultrasound, CT, MRI, real-time virtual sonography

Real-time virtual sonography®(RVS)は,超音波走査(US)の走査と同期して,取得しておいたCTやMRIのボリュームデータから,同一断面のMPR(multi planar reconstruction)像を並列描画するUSシステムである.このシステムは,腹部領域ですでに臨床活用されているが,リニア型プローブによる表在領域でも適用可能となった.本邦では,マルチスライスCTの導入を機に,乳腺CTの活用性が高く評価されてきた.手術体位と同じ仰臥位で撮像取得される高解像度CTデータは,高画質な三次元再構成を可能とし,温存術に対する有用なシミュレーションとなり得る.但し,これらの画像は視認性に優れるものの,術野への投影は視覚的に行われるのみで正確とはいえない.USは,リアルタイム性を備えていることから,術前検査として理想的であるが,CTと比較し病変の検出能が劣る傾向にある.検者の主観や技量に影響されやすい点も短所である.乳腺領域におけるRVS適用の目的は,リアルタイム性を備えるUSとCTボリュームデータを融合することによって,これらの問題点を解決することである.さらに,我々は,MRIデータを用いてRVSを行うことを試みている.MRIとUSの撮像体位の相違が大きな問題であるが,今後,MR-detected lesionに対するsecond-look USの支援システムとして,その有用性が発揮されることを期待したい.

Real-time virtual sonography® (RVS) is a new mode ultrasound (US) diagnostic system that registers and displays real-time ultrasound images together with corresponding previously acquired CT or MRI images. The clinical advantages of the RVS system for abdominal imaging have are well established and routinely used in the clinic. We extend the RVS system for breast imaging using a high-frequency linear array probe and establish its clinical advantages. Breast CT has been gaining popularity for preoperative evaluation of malignant breast lesions ever since the introduction of multislice CT in Japan. Because high quality three-dimensional reconstruction CT images are acquired in the same supine position as the surgical treatment, it also serves as a valuable simulation tool for breast conservative therapy. However, the correspondence between displayed static CT images and the real field of operation requires visual approximate estimation. Real-time ultrasound would be the modality of choice for overcoming the disadvantage of helical CT in that it provides feedback on which the clinician can base dedcisions. However, ultrasound′s accuracy in detecting and localizing lesions tends to be inferior to that of CT and, in addition, requires an experienced examiner. We attempt to apply RVS to overcome these limitations for breast imaging fusing three dimensional CT data and real-time ultrasound. Our RVS is not limited to CT alone, but can be extended to MRI and other modalities. Although the effect of difference in positioinit varies significantly between MRI and US, our RVS results obtained using the registration algorithm commonly used in CT show promise. We expect that breast RVS combined with MRI data should prove effective as an assistant tool in second-look ultrasound for MR-detected lesions.