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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

にて英文誌のFull textを閲覧することができます.


2010 - Vol.37

Vol.37 No.01

Original Article(原著)

(0017 - 0024)


Feasibility of ultrasonography in diagnosis and treatment of perforated duodenal ulcer

福井 寛也1, 藤岡 正幸2, 梶山 雄司1, 上道 武1, 三上 慎一1, 高 智成3, 安積 正作3, 大原 龍彦4, 臼井 典彦1

Hiroya FUKUI1, Masayuki FUJIOKA2, Yuji KAJIYAMA1, Takeshi UEMICHI1, Shinichi MIKAMI1, Chison KOU3, Shousaku ASAKA3, Tatsuhiko OOHARA4, Norihiko USUI1

1医療法人藤井会大東中央病院外科, 2医療法人藤井会大東中央病院臨床検査室, 3医療法人藤井会大東中央病院内科, 4阪急電鉄株式会社大阪診療所

1Department of Surgery, Daito Central Hospital, 2Department of Clinical Laboratory, Daito Central Hospital, 3Department of Internal Medicine, Daito Central Hospital, 4Osaka Clinic, Hankyu Corporation

キーワード : perforated duodenal ulcer, diagnosis, treatment, ultrasonography


Purpose: We have diagnosed and treated perforated duodenal ulcers (PDU) with ultrasonography (US). As a result of our experience, we have obtained useful ultrasonographic findings regarding the diagnosis and treatment of PDU. Subject and method: We have experienced 24 PDU cases over a six-year and four-month period (May 2002 to June 2006), and have evaluated five useful ultrasonographic findings regarding PDU as described below: 1. Tow-way transmigration of liquid and air bubbles through the perforated duodenal wall. 2. Hyperechoic band penetration out through the duodenal wall. 3. Free air exiting the PDU. 4. Fluid exiting the PDU. 5. Liver covering over the PDU. Result and discussion: Of the total 24 cases, two-way transmigration was observed in 4 cases, hyperechoic band penetration was observed in 18 cases, and exiting free air and fluid was observed in all cases. In all cases of two-way transmigration of liquid and air bubbles, we could immediately diagnose the PDU. For the PDU cases regarding parts 2, 3, and 4 (as described above), upon analysis, a large majority provided useful ultrasonographic findings for diagnosing PDU. Of the 5 cases where the liver did not at all cover the PDU, two-way transmigration of liquid and air bubbles was observed in 4 cases, and operation was performed on all 5 cases. Of the 19 cases where the PDU was completely covered by the surrounding organs (liver comprised 16 cases, fatty organs such as liver teres, omentum etc. comprised 3 cases), non-operative treatment was selected for 18 cases. As a result, cases concerning PDUs covered by surrounding organs, mainly by the liver, received non-operative treatment, whereas non-covered PDUs received an operation. Conclusion: Ultrasonography is a useful for diagnosing and treating PDU.