一般口演 消化器
肝腫瘍性病変の鑑別診断におけるVirtual Touch Quantification(VTQ)法の有用性
Usefulness of the Virtual Touch Quantification(VTQ)in differential diagnosis of liver tumors
吉田 昌弘1, 田中 弘教1, 2, 青木 智子2, 東浦 晶子1, 柴田 陽子1, 橋本 眞里子1, 廣田 誠一3, 藤元 治朗4, 西口 修平2, 飯島 尋子1, 2
Masahiro YOSHIDA1, Hironori TANAKA1, 2, Tomoko AOKI2, Akiko HIGASHIURA1, Yoko SHIBATA1, Mariko HASHIMOTO1, Seiichi HIROTA3, Jiro FUJIMOTO4, Shuhei NISHIGUCHI2, Hiroko IIJIMA1, 2
1兵庫医科大学超音波センター, 2兵庫医科大学内科・肝胆膵科, 3兵庫医科大学病院病理部, 4兵庫医科大学肝胆膵外科
1Depertment of Ultrasound Imaging Center, Hyogo College of Medicine, 2Depertment of Internal Medicine,Division of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Disease, Hyogo College of Medicine, 3Depertment of Surgical Pathology, Hyogo College of Medicine, 4Depertment of Surgery,Division of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Disease, Hyogo College of Medicine
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