Review Article(総説)
(0243 - 0250)
Clinical implication and method for measurement of endothelial function
西野 雅巳
Division of Cardiology, Osaka Rosai Hospital
キーワード : endothelial function, ultrasound, flow-mediated dilatation, nitric oxide, atherosclerosis
血管内皮は血管の最内層を構成する一層の細胞群であるが抗血栓作用,血管透過性の調節,血管のトーヌスの調節を行っている.血管トーヌスは一酸化窒素(NO)が重要な役割を果たしている.血管内皮は上述したごとく種々の機能があり動脈硬化は内皮機能障害を第一段階として発症するのでその評価は臨症上重要となる.内皮機能の評価は種々の機能があるので難しいが中でも一酸化窒素(NO)の評価が最も有用と考えられる.NOの評価も種々方法があるが簡便で非侵襲的で被検者の負担も低い方法が超音波法を用いたflow-mediated dilatation(FMD)の測定である.FMDは上腕または前腕を駆血しその解除前後で上腕や前腕の動脈径の変化を超音波法で計測してその拡張率で評価する.FMDは現在エコートラッキングや専用のデバイスも工夫されだし計測の信頼性が上がり計測自体も容易となってきている.欧米ではガイドラインもあるが日本ではまだ標準化されていない.現時点ではFMDの評価法としては12時間以上の絶食で,測定は午前中の決められた時間帯が望ましい,観察血管は上腕動脈,駆血部位は前腕駆血,駆血時間は5分,駆血加圧は血圧+50mmHg,血管内皮非依存性血管拡張にはニトログリセリン75μg舌下を用いる,などの点が推奨される.FMDは動脈硬化の早期発見に有用で予後予測などにも用いられる可能性があり超音波法の有効利用の一つと考えらえる.
Measurement of endothelial function is useful in atherosclerotic clinical research. Although optimal methodology for evaluating endothelial function has yet to be determined, it is one of the most useful methods of using ultrasonography to evaluate flow-mediated dilatation (FMD). FMD increases with increase in concentration of nitric oxide (NO), which is induced by shear stress. Impaired FMD reflects loss of NO, which correlates with early onset of atherosclerosis. FMD measurement requires a laboratory equipped with a high-resolution ultrasound linear array probe (7-15MHz) and an arm rest with a stereotactic clamp. Recently developed echo-tracking systems are preferable because they more easily visualize the vessel without producing compression and mechanical distortion. Ideally, patients should be fasting and measurements should be taken in the morning. The cuff should be placed on a radial artery; degree of cuff inflation is standardized to 50 mmHg above the patient′s systolic pressure; duration of cuff inflation should be 5 minutes; brachial artery FMD should be calculated; and nitroglycerin-mediated dilatation should be also evaluated. FMD measurements can be used to detect early coronary artery disease, cerebral artery disease, or peripheral artery disease in the clinical setting. Further, some reports indicate that FMD can be also used to predict the prognosis of cardiovascular events. In summary, FMD measurement using ultrasonographic technology provides a simple and useful way to evaluate endothelial function, which is correlated with early atherosclerosis.