Review Article(総説)
(0251 - 0262)
The clinical application of ultrasonography to the lungs
浜崎 直樹1, 今井 照彦1, 鴻池 義純2, 平井 都始子3, 木村 弘4
Naoki HAMAZAKI1, Teruhiko IMAI1, Yoshizumi KOUNOIKE2, Toshiko HIRAI3, Hiroshi KIMURA4
1済生会奈良病院内科, 2平成記念病院内科, 3奈良県立医科大学中央内視鏡超音波部, 4奈良県立医科大学第2内科
1Department of Internal Medicine, Saiseikai Nara Hospital, 2Department of Internal Medicine, Heisei Memorial Hospital, 3Department of Endoscopy and Ultrasound, Nara Medical University, 4The Second Department of Internal Medicine, Nara Medical University
キーワード : lung, ultrasonography, power Doppler, enhanced US, B-flow color
我々は,胸部領域への超音波法の有用性を評価することを試みてきた.パワードプラ法,FFT解析,3次元表示法,Levovist®とSonazoid®による造影超音波法,B-flow colorを胸膜下病変の質的診断に応用した.また,その他の臨床応用としてカラードプラ法を併用したUS誘導下穿刺,肺癌治療効果判定,体表走査超音波ガイド下気管支鏡検査がある.胸部領域においても他の領域と同様に超音波検査が有用であることを報告する.
We assessed the usefulness of ultrasonography in the lungs. We attempted qualitative diagnosis of subpleural lesions by power Doppler sonography, fast fourier transformation (FFT) analysis, three-dimensional color Doppler sonography, Levovist®- and Sonazoid®-enhanced ultrasonography, and B-flow color. Other clinical applications are US-guided biopsy using color Doppler sonography, response evaluation in lung cancer, and body surface ultrasound-guided bronchofiberscopy. We herein report that ultrasonography is equally useful in the lungs as compared with other regions.