一般口演 乳腺
Breast Screening by Ultrasonography in Our Hospital.〜Re-examination by the Category classification〜
岡田 尚子1, 金内 一1, 森田 恒治1, 丹羽 隆善1, 川口 淳2, 石塚 裕昭2, 岩嵜 美智子2, 上西 紀夫3
Naoko OKADA1, Hajime KANAUCHI1, Kouji MORITA1, Takayoyoshi NIWA1, Atsushi KAWAGUCHI2, Hiroaki ISHIDUKA2, Michiko IWASAKI2, Michio KAMINISHI3
1公立昭和病院乳腺内分泌外科, 2公立昭和病院予防検診センター, 3公立昭和病院外科・消化器外科
1Breast and Endocrine Surgery, Showa General Hospital, 2Disease-Prevention and Health Examination Center, Showa General Hospital, 3General and Gastroenterological Surgery, Showa General Hospital
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