一般口演 甲状腺
Ultrasonographic Thyroid Screening for Familial Adenomatous polyposis Patients
内野 眞也1, 石川 秀樹2, 3, 道倉 雅仁4, 廣川 満良5, 宮内 昭6
Shinya UCHINO1, Hideki ISHIKAWA2, 3, Masahito MICHIKURA4, Mitsuyoshi HIROKAWA5, Akira MIYAUCHI6
1医療法人野口記念会野口病院外科, 2京都府立医科大学分子標的癌予防医学, 3石川消化器内科内科, 4石川消化器内科臨床検査部, 5医療法人神甲会隈病院病理診断科, 6医療法人神甲会隈病院外科
1Department of Surgery, Noguchi Thyroid Clinic and Hospital Foundation, 2Department of Molecular-Targeting Cancer Prevention, Graduate School of Medical Science, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, 3Department of Internal Medicine, Ishikawa Gastroenterological Clinic, 4Department of Clinical Laboratory, Ishikawa Gastroenterological Clinic, 5Department of Pathology, Kuma Hospital, 6Department of Surgery, Kuma Hospital
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