State of the Art(特集)
(0437 - 0445)
Association between instability of carotid plaque and coronary plaque assessed by echogenicity using integrated backscatter and Virtual HistologyTM
堀端 洋子1, 杉山 正悟2, 小島 淳2, 小川 久雄2, 安東 由喜雄1
Yoko HORIBATA1, Seigo SUGIYAMA2, Sunao KOJIMA2, Hisao OGAWA2, Yukio ANDO1
1熊本大学医学部附属病院中央検査部, 2熊本大学医学部附属病院循環器内科
1Department of diagnostic medicine, Graduate school of medical sciences, Kumamoto University, 2Department of cardiovascular medicine, Graduate school of medical sciences, Kumamoto University
キーワード : carotid plaque, coronary plaque, integrated backscatter, Virtual Histology, echogenicity
不安定プラークとは脂質成分に富み,その破綻が急性冠症候群を引き起こすことが知られている.近年,冠動脈内超音波法(IVUS)を用いた解析(Virtual HistologyTM)により冠動脈プラークの成分を解析することが可能となった.頸動脈エコーにおいてIntegrated Backscatter(IBS)を用いた解析で低IBS値のプラークは脂質成分に富んだプラークであることが報告されている.本研究では頸動脈プラーク性状と冠動脈プラークの不安定性との関係について検討した.対象は初回冠動脈形成術を施行前にIVUSを施行した連続14症例.頸動脈エコーでプラークの内膜中膜複合体厚(IMT),平均IBS値を測定し,VH-IVUSを用いて冠動脈責任病変を含む20mmの範囲のプラークの組織特性を測定した.頸動脈エコーの結果,最大IMT 2.1±1.2mm,平均IBS値-11.4±1.9dBであった.単回帰解析では線維‐脂質成分と壊死成分の総和の比率と頸動脈プラークの平均IBS値は有意な相関を示していた(p=0.03).頸動脈プラークのIBS値が低いほど,VH-IVUSで評価した冠動脈プラークの脂質含有量が豊富であり,冠動脈プラークは不安定であると考えられた.頸動脈プラークの性状を調べることにより非侵襲的に冠動脈プラークの不安定性を推定し,ハイリスク患者を同定出来る可能性がある.
Plaque instability exists at multiple sites in the systemic vascular bed. Assessment of plaque contents could provide useful information on plaque vulnerability. Recently, plaque morphology and composition can be clinically analyzed using Virtual HistologyTM intravascular ultrasound (VH-IVUS). Echolucent carotid plaque with low integrated backscatter (IBS) values has been recognized as lipid-rich, which can predict future cardiovascular complications. We hypothesized that echolucent carotid plaque with low IBS values might be associated with the lipid-rich condition of coronary plaque. We measured maximum intima-media thickening (IMT), plaque score (PS), and echogenicity of carotid plaque using ultrasound with IBS in 14 consecutive patients undergoing coronary intervention. Using VH-IVUS, the coronary plaque component was assessed in a 20mm segment of coronary artery containing the target lesion. In carotid arteries, maximum IMT was 2.1±1.2 mm, plaque score was 8.5±9.0, plaque mean IBS value was -11.4±1.9 dB. In coronary plaque, the percentage of fibrous, fibro-fatty lesion, necrotic core, and dense calcium was 66±9%, 20±9%, 8±6%, and 6±3%, respectively. PS and maximum IMT of carotid plaque were not correlated with coronary plaque component assessed by VH-IVUS. Patients were divided into two groups according to carotid echogenicity: low IBS and high IBS. The percentage of fibro-fatty lesion in coronary plaque was significantly greater in the low IBS group than in the high IBS group (27±2% versus 13±6%, p