Online Journal
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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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2010 - Vol.37

Vol.37 No.04

State of the Art(特集)

(0469 - 0477)


Percutaneousl US approach to diagnosis and treatment of atherosclerosis

西野 雅巳



Division of Cardiology, Osaka Rosai Hospital

キーワード : atherosclerosis, ultrasound, intima-media thickness, stiffness parameter β, peripheral intervention

動脈硬化を体表エコーで評価する場合,現在最も普及しているのは頸動脈エコーである.頸動脈エコーでは内膜中膜複合体の厚さ(intima-media thickness: IMT)を計測し,動脈硬化を評価する方法が主流であり,多くの研究にも応用されている.しかし,動脈硬化(Atheroscleorsis)はAtheorosisとSclerosisに分かれIMTは前者の指標にすぎない.Sclerosisは血管の固さの指標であり,臨床的にはstiffness parameter βがよく用いられている.超音波法,特に頸動脈エコーに代表される体表エコーでは,このAtherosisの指標IMTとSclerosisの指標stiffness parameter βを非侵襲的にほぼ同時に評価でき,動脈硬化の診断に非常に有用な情報を与えてくれる.また,体表エコーは動脈硬化の診断だけでなく治療のtoolとしても無くてはならないものとなってきている.末梢動脈インターベンション(PPI)では冠動脈インターベンション時の血管内超音波と同様の情報を体表エコーで評価し得る.体表エコーを駆使してPPIを施行すると造影剤腎症の予防にも繋がって成功率を上げることができ被曝時間の短縮,手技時間の短縮など種々の臨床的有用性が望まれる.体表エコーガイド下PPIは臨症上非常に有用な方法と考えられる.

Percutaneousl US including carotid ultrasonographic examination is a promising noninvasive method for evaluating atherosclerosis and is finding increasing use in clinical settings. Atherosclerosis comprises two components: atherosis and sclerosis. Ultrasonography can be used to evaluate atherosis and sclerosis simultaneously: atherosis being assessed based on intima-media thickness; sclerosis, by stiffness parameter β. Moreover, recently developed ultrasound systems often provide tracking systems that can calculate stiffness parameter β automatically. Therefore, surface echo, especially that observed in carotid ultrasonography, is useful in evaluating atherosclerosis. Further, percutaneousl US examination also has a place in treating peripheral artery disease (PAD). New techniques and devices for percutaneous peripheral intervention (PPI) have been developed, while interventional cardiologists use percutaneous peripheral intervention to treat more difficult cases of peripheral artery disease. Percutaneousl US-guidance effectively decreases exposure to radiation and improves the success rate in percutaneous peripheral intervention. An ultrasound unit is thus essential in the catheter laboratory when carrying out surface echo-guided percutaneous peripheral intervention. These facts support the conclusion that percutaneousl US is a valuable tool in evaluating atherosclerosis as well as in performing percutaneous peripheral intervention to treat it.