一般ポスター 頭頸部
Relationship between Vertebral Artery mean velocity and Basilar Artery stenosis in Ultrasonography -2nd report-
岡村 穏1, 岡部 龍太1, 2, 竹川 英宏1, 豊田 茂3, 鈴木 圭輔4, 石井 悠子1, 沼尾 文香4, 平田 幸一4, 高田 悦雄5
Madoka OKAMURA1, Ryuta OKABE1, 2, Hidehiro TAKEKAWA1, Shigeru TOYODA3, Keisuke SUZUKI4, Yuko ISHII1, Ayaka NUMAO4, Koichi HIRATA4, Etsuo TAKADA5
1獨協医科大学神経内科脳卒中部門, 2公立阿伎留医療センター内科, 3獨協医科大学心臓・血管内科, 4獨協医科大学神経内科, 5獨協医科大学超音波センター
1Stroke Division, Department of Neurology, Dokkyo Medical University, 2Department of Internal Medicine, Akiru Municipal Medical Center, 3Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Dokkyo Medical University, 4Department of Neurology, Dokkyo Medical University, 5Center of Medical Ultrasonics, Dokkyo Medical University
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