Online Journal
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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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2010 - Vol.37

Vol.37 No.05

Original Article(原著)

(0587 - 0592)

Differential Tissue Harmonic Imaging 超音波診断装置による脂肪肝の所見 ‐CT所見との対比による診断基準の再評価‐

Ultrasound findings of fatty liver using advanced ultrasonoscope equipped with differential tissue harmonic imaging: re-evaluation of diagnostic criteria in comparison with CT findings

矢島 義昭1, 杉田 貴子2, 佐藤 武敏2, 見田 尊3, 戸塚 真弓4, 黒沢 功5

Yoshiaki YAJIMA1, Takako SUGITA2, Taketoshi SATO2, Takeru MITA3, Mayumi TOZUKA4, Isao KUROSAWA5

1黒沢病院付属ヘルスパーククリニック内科, 2黒沢病院付属ヘルスパーククリニック検査部, 3黒沢病院付属ヘルスパーククリニック放射線部, 4黒沢病院付属ヘルスパーククリニック健診部, 5黒沢病院付属ヘルスパーククリニック泌尿器科

1Health Park Clinic Kurosawa, Department of Internal Medicine, 2Health Park Clinic Kurosawa, Clinical Laboratory, 3Health Park Clinic Kurosawa, Department of Radiology, 4Health Park Clinic Kurosawa, Department of Health screening, 5Health Park Clinic Kurosawa, Department of Urology

キーワード : ultrasound diagnosis, fatty liver, computed tomography, hepatorenal contrast, vascular blurring

目的:著者らは脂肪肝の超音波診断基準として“肝腎コントラスト”を1982年に報告したが,超音波装置の性能の向上によって超音波ビームのpenetrationが改善した結果,かつての基準を再検討する必要が生じた.今回はdifferential THIを登載した超音波装置を用いて肝腎コントラスト,肝静脈壁不鮮明化,深部減衰の各所見を再評価した.脂肪肝の程度を推定するgold standardとしてはCT numberを用いた.対象と方法:当院の健診で胸部レントゲン撮影と腹部US(超音波検査)を施行し,胸部レントゲン上の異常を指摘された結果,胸部単純CT撮影(上腹部を含む)を施行した312名である.用いた超音波装置は東芝のXARIO-XGで,CT装置はシーメンス社製のSomatom definition AS+である.結果:肝腎コントラスト(-)群,肝腎コントラスト(+)群,肝腎コントラスト+肝静脈壁不鮮明化(+)群,肝腎コントラスト+深部減衰(+)群のCTNはそれぞれ59.6±4.5HU(n=227),52.6±7.0HU(n=36),36.4±11.6HU(n=39),26.2±11.0HU(n=10)であった.結論:超音波ビームのpenetrationが改善された結果,小葉の30%の脂肪化は中等度の肝腎コントラストのみで検出することが出来る.肝静脈壁不鮮明化を伴った場合は小葉の>50%の脂肪化を検出することになる.

Purpose: We reported in 1982 the significance of hepatorenal contrast in ultrasound diagnosis of fatty liver. Since then, advances in the device have enabled us to improve the penetration of the ultrasound beam and forced us to re-evaluate diagnostic criteria for the detection of fatty liver. In this paper, we will re-evaluate diagnostic findings, i.e., hepatorenal contrast, vascular blurring, and deep attenuation, using an advanced ultrasound system equipped with differential tissue harmonic imaging (THI). As a gold standard to estimate the degree of fatty change, CT number (CTN) was adopted. Subjects and Methods: Chosen as subjects were 312 persons who underwent, in the process of health screening, both abdominal ultrasound and chest X-ray and proceeded to chest CT (including upper abdomen) because of chest abnormality. In those cases, we could compare ultrasound findings and CT findings of the liver coincidentally. A commercially available ultrasonoscope (Tosiba XARIO-XG) and a CT scanner (Siemens Somatom definition AS+) were used. Results: CTN in the hepatorenal contrast negative group, hepatorenal contrast positive group, hepatorenal contrast + vascular blurring positive group, and hepatorenal contrast + deep attenuation positive group was 59.6±4.5 HU (n=227), 52.6±7.0 HU (n=36), 36.4±11.6 HU (n=39), and 26.2±11.0 HU (n=10), respectively. Conclusion: Improvement in beam penetration enabled us to diagnose fatty change around 30% of the hepatic lobules by only detecting a moderate degree of hepatorenal contrast. A combination of hepatorenal contrast and vascular blurring presented fatty change over 50% of hepatic lobules.