Case Report(症例報告)
(0135 - 0139)
Contrast-enhanced US with Sonazoid® is useful for differentiating a metastatic liver tumor from focal spared areas in fatty livers
福間 麻子1, 佐藤 秀一2, 新田 江里1, 花岡 拓哉2, 石根 潤一2, 飛田 博史2, 三宅 達也2, 柴田 宏1, 長井 篤1, 木下 芳一2
Asako FUKUMA1, Shuichi SATO2, Eri NITTA1, Takuya HANAOKA2, Junichi ISHINE2, Hiroshi TOBITA2, Tatsuya MIYAKE2, Hiroshi SHIBATA1, Atushi NAGAI1, Yoshikazu KINOSHITA2
1島根大学医学部附属病院検査部, 2島根大学医学部附属病院消化器肝臓内科
1Central Clinical Laboratory, Shimane University Hospital, 2Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Shimane University School of Medicine
キーワード : Sonazoid, contrast enhancement, ultrasound, fatty liver, focal spared area
超音波診断用造影剤であるSonazoid®は,肝腫瘍性病変の造影剤として2007年以来広く使用されている.超音波の最大の長所であるリアルタイム画像を取得でき,今までにない詳細な血管イメージ及び灌流イメージと後血管イメージを得ることにより各種肝腫瘍性病変の質的診断と存在診断が可能となった.症例は50歳代,男性.腹部膨満感,腹痛を主訴に来院.腹部造影CTで膵尾部に5 cm大の低濃度腫瘍を認め,間接所見及び病理組織所見から最終的に膵尾部癌と診断された.術前の造影CTでは肝転移は認められなかったが,超音波検査では限局性低脂肪化域(focal spared area: FSA)を疑う複数の低エコー域を認めた.そのうち胆嚢近傍S4領域の病変は境界が比較的明瞭であったため,腫瘍性病変との鑑別が必要と考えSonazoid®造影超音波検査を行ったところ,動脈優位相で全体に淡く染影され,門脈優位相ではwashout,後血管相で欠損像を呈した.一方,他の低エコー域は欠損とはならなかった.よって,S4の病変は転移性肝腫瘍,その他はFSAと診断した.Sonazoid®造影超音波検査は,脂肪肝を背景に存在とする腫瘍性病変とFSAとの鑑別に有用と考える.
A new microbubble agent, Sonazoid®, provides parenchyma-specific contrast images in ultrasound (US) imaging examinations. With real-time imaging in the vascular and post-vascular phases provided by use of this agent, an accurate diagnosis of liver tumors is possible. A Japanese man in his 50s visited our hospital with complaints of abdominal distension and upper abdominal pain. Abdominal contrast-enhanced computed tomography revealed a 5-cm non-enhanced mass lesion in the caudate region of the pancreas, though no apparent tumor was shown in the liver. A conventional US examination revealed a well-demarcated low-echoic nodule in the S4 region and multiple focal spared areas with a bright hepatic parenchyma, indicating a fatty liver. In addition, contrast-enhanced US with Sonazoid® demonstrated that the hypoechoic area in the S4 region was slightly stained in the arterial phase and washed out in the portal phase, while only the hypoechoic area in the S4 region showed an accumulation defect in the post-vascular phase, indicating that the lesion should be diagnosed as a metastatic liver tumor. Contrast-enhanced US with Sonazoid® is useful for differentiating tumors from focal spared areas in fatty livers.