Study for conditions of ultrasound emission to trap bubble liposome for treatment in blood flow
澤口 冬威1, 保坂 直斗1, 宮澤 慎也1, 望月 剛1, 桝田 晃司1, 小田 雄介2, 鈴木 亮2, 丸山 一雄2
Toi SAWAGUCHI1, Naoto HOSAKA1, Shinya MIYAAWA1, Takashi MOCHIZUKI1, Kohji MASUDA1, Yusuke ODA2, Ryo SUZUKI2, Kazuo MARUYAMA2
1東京農工大学大学院生物システム応用科学府生物システム応用科学専攻, 2帝京大学薬学部薬物送達学研究室
1Bio-Applications and Systems Eng, Grad. School of Bio-Applications and Systems Eng., Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Technology, 2Laboratory of Drug and Gene Delivery Research, Department of Biopharmaceutics, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Teikyo University
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