Case Report(症例報告)
(0461 - 0464)
A case of quadricuspid aortic valve with severe aortic regurgitation diagnosed by transthoracic echocardiography
野村 公達1, 矢崎 善一2, 宮下 雅子1, 大槻 幸子1, 熊谷 豊1, 宮澤 寿幸1, 高橋 康之1, 日吾 雅宜1, 中澤 功1
Koutatsu NOMURA1, Yoshikazu YAZAKI2, Masako MIYASHITA1, Sachiko OOTSUKI1, Yutaka KUMAGAI1, Hisayuki MIYAZAWA1, Yasuyuki TAKAHASHI1, Masanobu HIGO1, Kou NAKAZAWA1
1国立病院機構まつもと医療センター臨床検査科, 2国立病院機構まつもと医療センター循環器科
1Division of Clinical Laboratory, National Hospital Organization Matsumoto Medical Center, 2Division of Cardiology, National Hospital Organization Matsumoto Medical Center
キーワード : quadricuspid aortic valve, aortic regurgitation, transthoracic echocardiography
Quadricuspid aortic valve is a rare congenital cardiac anomaly that causes aortic regurgitation. We used transthoracic echocardiography to diagnose a case of quadricuspid aortic valve. The patient was a 76-year-old man with dyspnea and epigastralgia and who had been examined by a general practitioner. He was subsequently hospitalized at this institution when heart failure was indicated. Transthoracic echocardiography showed left ventricular dilatation and systolic dysfunction. The aortic valve was quadricuspid and had an accessory cusp between its right and the left cusps, thus causing severe aortic regurgitation resulting from coaptation failure. The valve was replaced when aortography also revealed severe aortic regurgitation. This case is valuable for having provided the basis for a definitive diagnosis of quadricuspid aortic valve from findings obtained using transthoracic echocardiography.