一般口演 消化器
肝腫瘍(診断 良性)
Contribution of contrast-enhanced US in patients with non-visualized liver abscess on B mode
秋葉 恵美子1, 水谷 正彦2, 石田 秀明3, 渡部 多佳子3, 大山 葉子4, 長沼 裕子5, 若杉 聡6
Emiko AKIBA1, Masahiko MIZUTANI2, Hideaki ISHIDA3, Takako WATANABE3, Yoko OHYAMA4, Hiroko NAGANUMA5, Satoshi WAKASUGI6
1安房地域医療センター臨床検査室, 2安房地域医療センター外科, 3秋田赤十字病院超音波センター, 4秋田組合総合病院臨床検査科, 5市立横手病院消化器科, 6亀田総合病院消化器診断科
1Department of Clinical Labolatory, Awa Regional Medical Center, 2Department of Surgery, Awa Regional Medical Center, 3Center of Diagnostic Ultrasound, Akita Red Cross Hospital, 4Department of Medical Laboratory, Akita Kumiai General Hospital, 5Department of Gastroenterolgy, Yokote Municipal Hospital, 6Department of Digestive Diagnosis, Kameda Medical Center Hospital
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