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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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2012 - Vol.39

Vol.39 No.02

Case Report(症例報告)

(0131 - 0138)


Polypoid gallbladder tumors with a thickened outermost hyperechoic layer suggest shallow pT2 carcinoma

藤本 武利1, 加藤 洋2

Taketoshi FUJIMOTO1, Yo KATO2

1平塚胃腸病院外科, 2獨協医科大学日光医療センター病理部

1Department of Surgery, Hiratsuka Gastroenterological Hospital, 2Department of Pathology, Nikko Medical Center, Dokkyo Medical University

キーワード : ultrasound, gallbladder, pT2 carcinoma, depth of carcinoma invasion

目的:進行胆嚢癌の多くは拡大手術を行っても予後不良だが,2 mm以下の漿膜下層浸潤(SS)に留まるSS胆嚢癌は予後良好と報告されている.これを初期SS胆嚢癌とした時,乳頭浸潤型を示す初期SS胆嚢癌の超音波像を明らかにする.対象と方法:1988年~2007年までの20年間に平塚胃腸病院で腹部超音波検査(US)を行ったSS胆嚢癌切除例のうち,乳頭浸潤型の初期SS胆嚢癌5例を対象として,超音波像・病理を対比検討した.結果と考察:外側高エコー層は漿膜下深部脂肪層+漿膜に相当する.病巣表層部が高エコーで深部が低エコーを示す所見(病巣深部低エコー)は,病理組織学的に表層部が乳頭腺癌で深部に豊富な線維化とリンパ球浸潤を伴う癌巣を示し,5例の全てに認められた.外側高エコー層の性状に関しては,吊り上げ肥厚3例,著変なし2例であった.従来,外側高エコー層の肥厚に注目した論文はみられなかった.癌浸潤の進行過程を推測すると,外側高エコー層の吊り上げ肥厚が先行し,その後に著変なしがみられるものと考える.結論:乳頭浸潤型を示す初期SS胆嚢癌の超音波像は二つあり,外側高エコー層の吊り上げ肥厚と菲薄化である.前者は癌浸潤が深くなるにつれて外側高エコー層が一旦内腔側に吊り上げられて肥厚を示し,その後,病巣深部低エコーの増大により菲薄化していくものと考える.一方,後者は従来指摘されているものであり,最初から外側高エコー層の不整・菲薄化を示す.

Purpose: Although outcomes of surgical treatment for advanced gallbladder carcinoma remain unsatisfactory, radical resection may provide a favorable prognosis for patients with tumors limited to shallow subserosal invasion (Subjects and Methods: A retrospective analysis of ultrasound-pathologic correlation was conducted in five patients with shallow pT2 gallbladder carcinoma of the papillary invasive type. Results and Discussion: The outermost hyperechoic layer comprises deep adipose tissue of the subserosa plus serosa. A polypoid gallbladder tumor with a hypoechoic area in its deeper part represents a papillary adenocarcinoma invading the subserosa accompanied by abundant fibrosis and lymphocytic infiltration. All cases in the present study had the deep hypoechoic area. Three of the five cases showed thickening of the outermost hyperechoic layer, and two cases showed no change in the layer. There have been no reports highlighting thickening of the outermost hyperechoic layer. Given the vertical extension of carcinoma invasion, the outermost hyperechoic layer may be pulled up and thickened at first and then thinned later as the deep hypoechoic area enlarges. Conclusion: Ultrasound images of shallow pT2 gallbladder carcinoma of the papillary invasive type show thickening or thinning of the outermost hyperechoic layer. The former demonstrates pulling up the top of the layer at first and then thinning later as carcinoma invasion progresses showing enlargement of the deep hypoechoic area. The latter shows thinning of the layer from beginning to end.