Online Journal
IF値: 1.8(2022年)→1.9(2023年)


Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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2013 - Vol.40

Vol.40 No.02

Review Article(総説)

(0147 - 0156)

胆嚢病変の超音波診断 ‐カテゴリー分類を活用する‐

Ultrasound diagnosis of gallbladder: categorized criteria for ultrasound cancer screening

岡庭 信司1, 岩下 和広2, 井上 貞孝2

Shinji OKANIWA1, Kazuhiro IWASHITA2, Sadataka INOUE2

1飯田市立病院消化器内科, 2飯田市立病院超音波室

1Department of Gastroenterology, Iida Municipal Hospital, 2Division of Ultrasound, Iida Municipal Hospital

キーワード : ultrasound, gallbladder carcinoma, categorized criteria, screening


As ultrasound (US) is a simple and less invasive modality, it is widely used for mass screening. Both gallbladder polyps and thickened wall are common findings. As the diagnostic accuracy of US depends on the skill and knowledge of the sonographer, sonographers should master the standard scanning method and learn characteristic findings for the differential diagnosis. First, we explain the important findings for the differential diagnosis of gallbladder tumors and thickened wall, citing the categorized criteria for US cancer screening of the Japanese Society of Gastroenterological Cancer Screening. Second, we highlight indirect US findings such as gallbladder distension and debris as useful findings for detecting small gallbladder carcinomas and occult lesions of the pancreatobiliary tract.