Original Article(原著)
(0157 - 0165)
Studies on quantitative measurements of acoustical properties of thin biological tissues by multiple reflection-adjusted acoustic microscopy
明石 尚之1, 藤井 尋也2
Naoyuki AKASHI1, Hiroya FUJII2
1一関工業高等専門学校, 2山形大学大学院理工学研究科
1Ichinoseki National College of Technology, 2Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Yamagata University
キーワード : acoustic microscope, acoustic parameters, multiple reflection, numerical calculations
Purpose: A method for determining the acoustic parameters of thin biological tissues using an acoustic microscope is proposed, taking into account multiple reflection. Subjects and Methods: In the method, the acoustic parameters of velocity, attenuation, and acoustic impedance are determined using measured phase and amplitude at around 10 different frequencies. Conclusion: The results of numerical calculations for simulation data including ±5% random errors show that the determination precision of the velocity, attenuation, and acoustic impedance are ±0.04%, ±2.7%, and ±1.2%, respectively.