Review Article(総説)
(0257 - 0266)
乳腺のエラストグラフィ(Real-time Tissue Elastography)
Ultrasonic diagnosis of breast lesions combined with “Real-time Tissue Elastography”
伊藤 吾子
Department of Surgery, Hitachi General Hospital
キーワード : breast, ultrasonography, elastography
乳腺疾患の超音波診断においてReal-time Tissue Elastographyは,Elasticity score結果単独で,Bモードとほぼ同等の診断能を有する.診断に有用なElastographyを撮像するためには,検査手技の習得が必要である.腫瘤と非腫瘤性病変では良悪性診断のカットオフポイントが異なる.硬さの情報を踏まえた鑑別診断を挙げることで,診断確定に適した生検手技を選択することができる.BモードにElasticity scoreの結果を加味した総合判断により感度は上昇し,陽性反応的中率が増加する.明らかに良性と判断できる病変が増え,診断の迅速性と精度が増す.
In terms of diagnostic performance in breast disease, Real-time tissue elastography has capability equivalent to B-mode ultrasonography. Acquisition of the examination technique is required to perform free-hand elastography suitable for diagnosis. The cutoff points of the differential diagnosis differ in mass lesions and non-mass lesions. When Real-time tissue elastography and B-mode ultrasonography are combined, the sensitivity and positive predictive value increase, and suitable diagnostic procedures can be chosen immediately.