Online Journal
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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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2016 - Vol.43

Vol.43 No.Supplement

工学基礎 組織性状評価



Size estimation of red blood cell aggregation using frequency spectrum properties with a high-frequency ultrasound and its clinical application

黒川 祐作1, 榊 紘輝3, 瀧 宏文1, 2, 八代 諭4, 長澤 幹4, 石垣 泰4, 金井 浩1, 2

Yusaku KUROKAWA1, Hiroki SAKAKI3, Hirofumi TAKI1, 2, Satoshi YASHIRO4, Kan NAGASAWA4, Yasushi ISHIGAKI4, Hiroshi KANAI1, 2

1東北大学大学院医工学研究科医工学専攻, 2東北大学大学院工学研究科電子工学専攻, 3東北大学工学部情報知能システム総合学科, 4岩手医科大学内科学講座糖尿病・代謝内科分野

1Dept of Biomedical Eng., Graduate School of Biomedical Eng., Tohoku University, 2Dept of Electronic Eng., Graduate School of Eng., Tohoku University, 3Dept of Information and Intelligent Systems, Faculty of Eng., Tohoku University, 4The Department of Internal Medicine Division of Diabetes and Metabolism, Iwate Medical University

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