消化器 門脈・脾
Examination of the mechanism of spleen stiffness change and the splenoma by the haemodynamic comparison between cirrhosis and blood disorder
西村 純子1, 西村 貴士1, 2, 吉田 昌弘1, 東浦 晶子1, 柴田 陽子1, 橋本 眞里子1, 會澤 信弘2, 鹿毛 政義3, 西口 修平2, 飯島 尋子1, 2
Junko NISHIMURA1, Takashi NISHIMURA1, 2, Masahiro YOSHIDA1, Akiko HIGASHIURA1, Youko SHIBATA1, Mariko HASHIMOTO1, Nobuhiro AIZAWA2, Masayoshi KAGE3, Syuhei NISHIGUCHI2, Hiroko IIJIMA1, 2
1兵庫医科大学超音波センター, 2兵庫医科大学肝・胆・膵内科, 3久留米大学病院病理診断科・病理部
1Depertment of Ultrasound Imaging Center, Hyogo College of Medicine, Hyogo, Japan, 2Hyogo College of Medicine, Hyogo, Japan, Hyogo College of Medicine, Hyogo, Japan, 3Department of Diagnostic Pathology, Kurume University Hospital, Fukuoka, Japan
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