State of the Art(特集)
(0155 - 0163)
Cardiac wall motion analysis by three-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography
瀬尾 由広, 石津 智子, 渥美 安紀子, 川村 龍, 青沼 和隆
Yoshihiro SEO, Tomoko ISHIZU, Akiko ATSUMI, Ryo KAWAMURA, Kazutaka AONUMA
Cardiovascular Division, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tsukuba
キーワード : speckle tracking, three-dimensional imaging, cardiac function
スペックルトラッキング法の登場によって,単に左室駆出率(EF)による心機能評価から,左室の捻れ,長軸方向への収縮機能,左室非同期評価など新たな病態生理学について検討されるようになった.さらに,3次元スペックルトラッキング法が臨床で使用可能となり,2次元スペックルトラッキングでは評価できない様々な知見が集積されつつある.3次元スペックルトラッキング法では,左室内膜側の面積変形率や3D strainといった新しい局所壁運動評価法が提案され,従来のstrain評価法に比較して有用であると報告されている.また,3次元画像の利点を活かした心臓収縮伝播を画像する試みも行われており,心臓再同期療法に対するレスポンスの予測,不整脈における病態生理の解析,不整脈基質のリスクの層別化,そして心筋虚血の診断などにおいて新たな知見を提供する方法として期待される.さらに,右室における局所心機能評価にも応用され,今後の発展が望まれる.一方,3次元スペックルトラッキング法は2次元法に比べて複雑な画像処理を要するため,時間分解能や空間分解能に限界がある.しかし,アルゴリズムの改善や計算処理能力の向上などの技術革新によって,日進月歩で時間分解能や空間分解能の改善が計られており,臨床研究への応用だけでなく今後幅広く実臨床での普及が期待される.
Speckle tracking echocardiography has allowed us to evaluate novel cardiac functions including left ventricular torsion, longitudinal function, and dyssynchrony in addition to left ventricular ejection fraction. Commercially available 3-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography was recently introduced, and it has provided various knowledge that could not be assessed by 2-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography. For example, novel myocardial deformation parameters, i.e., area change ratio and 3D-strain, which may be more sensitive to myocardial deformation as compared to standard strain parameters, were proposed for 3-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography. In the area of clinical research, imaging for propagation of cardiac contraction has been attempted, and it may contribute to prediction of responses for cardiac resynchronization therapy, assessment of arrhythmic pathophysiology, risk stratification of life-limiting arrhythmia, and detecting myocardial ischemia. In addition, 3-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography has been applied in assessing right ventricular segmental function, and future developments are expected. In contrast, 3-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography has limitations in terms of spatio-temporal resolutions that require more complex computations compared to 2-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography. However, improvements in spatio-temporal resolutions have been swift thanks to technological innovations. In the near future, general use of 3-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography in a clinical setting is expected as well as its application in clinical research.