Online Journal
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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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2014 - Vol.41

Vol.41 No.04

Case Report(症例報告)

(0577 - 0584)

嚢胞羊水腔シャントチューブ留置術を行い生児を得た胎児水腫合併macrocystic congenital cystic adenomatoid malformationの1例

Successful in utero thoracoamniotic shunting for a hydropic fetus with huge macrocystic congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation of the lung: a case report

本田 理子1, 日高 庸博1, 城戸 咲1, 藤原 ありさ1, 湯元 康夫1, 藤田 恭之1, 福嶋 恒太郎1, 永田 公二2, 田口 智章2, 加藤 聖子1

Masako HONDA1, Nobuhiro HIDAKA1, Saki KIDO1, Arisa FUJIWARA1, Yasuo YUMOTO1, Yasuyuki FUJITA1, Kotaro FUKUSHIMA1, Koji NAGATA2, Tomoaki TAGUCHI2, Kiyoko KATO1

1九州大学病院産婦人科, 2九州大学病院小児外科

1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kyushu University Hospital, 2Department of Pediatric Surgery, Kyushu University Hospital

キーワード : congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation, thoracoamniotic shunting operation, CCAM volume ratio, hydrops fetalis, lung hypoplasia

胎児水腫を合併した先天性肺嚢胞性腺腫様形成異常(Congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation: CCAM)を待機的に管理した場合の予後は不良である.また,CCAM volume ratio(CVR)が1.6を超えるものが胎児水腫発症のリスクであることも知られている.今回我々は,妊娠20週で胎児水腫を呈したものの,妊娠22週で胎児嚢胞羊水腔シャントチューブ留置術を施行し嚢胞の縮小と胎児水腫の改善に成功,生児を得たmacrocystic CCAMの症例を経験した.本症例では初回治療時のCVRが2.0と高値であり,胎児胸腔内をほぼ病変が占拠する状態で,胎児水腫も来していた.嚢胞のドレナージが有効であり,心臓の圧排が解消されるとともに胎児水腫が消失し,生児を得ることができた.ただ,macrocystic CCAMでありながら嚢胞の数が多く,シャント術を行って2つの嚢胞を消失させることに成功したものの,ドレナージされていない複数の嚢胞がトータルとしてCVR換算で0.6‐0.8程度で残存した.生後は正常肺が十分に膨らむに至らず,肺高血圧治療に難渋することとなった.胎児水腫を合併したmacrocystic CCAMに対するシャントチューブ留置術の循環動態改善効果は示されたが,多房性のmacrocystic CCAMにおいては,肺低形成の予防の観点から胎児治療の適応と方法をさらに検討する必要があると考えた.

The combination of congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation of the lung (CCAM) and hydrops fetalis entails compromised birth outcomes, and fetuses with a CCAM volume ratio (CVR)〉1.6 are considered at high risk for the development of hydrops. A 33-year-old gravida 3, para 1, mother was admitted at 20+6 weeks of gestation owing to a large fetal lung multilocular mass (macrocystic CCAM) originating in the right lower lobe and hydropic change indicated by skin edema and ascites. The overall size of the mass lesion corresponded to a CCAM volume ratio of 2.0. The mother underwent thoracoamniotic shunting at 22+1 weeks of gestation, with successful drainage of the largest, second cyst. After the procedure, the hydrops resolved completely. The shunt continued to be functional throughout the remainder of the pregnancy; however, the CVR persisted at 0.6-0.8 because of residual multilocular cysts. The mother underwent cesarean delivery at 37+0 weeks of gestation. On the day of birth, the infant underwent right thoracotomy and CCAM resection. The infant survived; however, respiratory demise due to lung hypoplasia and the subsequent pulmonary hypertension was severe and refractory. Our experience suggests the curative effect of thoracoamniotic shunting for hydropic state in a fetus with macrocystic CCAM. However, the criteria for the treatment of multilocular macrocystic CCAM requires further discussion.