消化器 肝腫瘍①
A case of hepatocellular carcinoma mimicking cholangiocellular carcinoma or metastatic liver tumor
武田 悠希1, 和久井 紀貴2, 小嶋 啓之1, 吉峰 尚幸1, 植木 紳夫1, 平野 直樹1, 伊藤 謙1, 大場 信之1, 西中川 秀太1, 児島 辰也1
Yuki TAKEDA1, Noritaka WAKUI2, Hiroyuki KOJIMA1, Naoyuki YOSHIMINE1, Nobuo UEKI1, Naoki HIRANO1, Ken ITO1, Nobuyuki OBA1, Shuta NISHINAKAGAWA1, Tatsuya KOJIMA1
1独立行政法人労働者健康福祉機構東京労災病院消化器内科, 2東邦大学医療センター大森病院消化器内科
1Department of Internal Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Japan Labour Health and Welfare Organization, Tokyo Rosai Hospital, 2Department of Internal Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Toho University Omori Medical Center
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