Online Journal
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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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2014 - Vol.41

Vol.41 No.05

State of the Art(特集)

(0735 - 0747)

有痛性骨転移に対するhigh-intensity focused ultrasound治療

High-intensity focused ultrasound therapy for painful bone metastasis

川﨑 元敬1, 加藤 友也1, 南場 寛文1, 谷 俊一1, 牛田 享宏2

Motohiro KAWASAKI1, Tomonari KATO1, Hirofumi NAMBA1, Toshikazu TANI1, Takahiro USHIDA2

1高知大学医学部整形外科, 2愛知医科大学医学部学際的痛みセンター

1Kochi Medical School, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, 2Aichi Medical University, Multidisciplinary Pain Center

キーワード : focused ultrasound, bone metastasis, pain palliation, interventional radiology

がんの骨転移が生じると,各種の骨関連事象を引き起こし,生活の質(quality of life: QOL)を低下させる.中でも,骨転移に伴う疼痛は最も一般的で深刻な症状であり,病的骨折や神経麻痺を生じていなくても,心身の苦痛によりQOLの低下を来たすこととなる.骨転移の痛みに対して既存の標準治療が施行されるが,疼痛緩和が得られないがん患者は後を絶たない.今世紀に入り,有痛性骨転移に対する集束超音波治療による疼痛緩和治療が実施されるようになり,治療後早期から骨転移に伴う難治性のがん性疼痛が改善することが報告されはじめた.本治療に使用されたExAblateシステムは,2007年に欧州のCEマークを取得し,2012年末には米国食品薬品局(FDA)の承認を受けた.この頃から,世界各国で,有痛性骨転移をはじめ,良性骨腫瘍や,非がん性の慢性腰痛や膝関節痛などへの集束超音波治療の臨床応用が散見されるようになってきた.本項では,がんの骨転移で問題となるがん性疼痛,およびその発生機序やそれに対する標準的治療を解説しながら,有痛性骨転移に対するMRガイド下集束超音波治療の可能性について,過去の報告を参照しながら当院での治療経験を踏まえて述べていきたい.

Bone metastasis from cancer causes various skeletal-related events and decreases the quality of life (QOL). Pain associated with bone metastasis, in particular, is among the most commonly encountered and serious symptoms. Even in the absence of pathological fractures or nerve paralysis, mental and physical pain can decrease the QOL. Even with the existing standard treatments for pain from bone metastasis, there are still some cancer patients in whom sufficient pain relief cannot be achieved. At the turn of this century, pain relief treatment with high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) therapy was introduced for painful bone metastasis, and improvement of refractory cancer pain associated with bone metastasis has been shown soon after the treatment. For the ExAblate system used for this treatment, European CE mark approval was obtained in 2007, and Food and Drug Administration approval was obtained at the end of 2012. Since then, instances of clinical application of HIFU therapy has been seen worldwide for painful bone metastasis, benign bone tumors, non-cancerous chronic low back pain, and knee joint pain. In this report, we provide an explanation of cancer pain as a problem in cases of bone metastasis from cancer, the mechanism underlying its development, and the standard treatments, and describe the possibilities of magnetic resonance-guided HIFU therapy for painful bone metastases with reference to previous reports and therapeutic experience at our hospital.