特別プログラム 循環器
シンポジウム 循環器1 僧帽弁形成術周術期心エコー
Insights into geometric and/or functional abnormalities of mitral complex in mitral regurgitation from echocardiography
福田 祥大, 岩瀧 麻衣, 尾上 武志, 屏 壮史, 竹内 正明, 尾辻 豊
Shota FUKUDA, Mai IWATAKI, Takeshi ONOUE, Soshi HEI, Masaaki TAKEUCHI, Yutaka OTSUJI
1産業医科大学第2内科学, 2産業医科大学臨床検査・輸血部
1Second Department of Internal Medicine, University of Occupational and Environmental Health, 2Department of Laboratory and Transfusion Medicine, University of Occupational and Environmental Health
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