Original Article(原著)
(0347 - 0351)
Application of high-intensity focused ultrasound for fetal therapy: experimental study using an animal model of lower urinary tract obstruction
青木 弘子1, 市塚 清健1, 市原 三義1, 松岡 隆1, 長谷川 潤一1, 岡井 崇1, 梅村 晋一郎2
Hiroko AOKI1, Kiyotake ICHIZUKA1, Mitsuyoshi ICHIHARA1, Ryu MATSUOKA1, Junichi HASEGAWA1, Takashi OKAI1, Shin-ichirou UMEMURA2
1昭和大学医学部産婦人科学講座, 2東北大学大学院医工学研究科
1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Showa University School of Medicine, 2Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering, Tohoku University
キーワード : HIFU, Fetal therapy, LUTO, Non-invasive
目的:胎児閉塞性尿路疾患の外科的シャント留置術に代わる胎児治療として,強出力集束超音波(high-intensity focused ultrasound: HIFU)を用いて,下部尿路閉塞の胎児膀胱に瘻孔を形成することが可能かどうかを検討する目的で動物実験を行った.材料と方法:イメージング用プローブとHIFUトランスデューサを一体化させた治療器を作成し本実験に用いた.巨大膀胱の新生仔兎モデルを作成し,HIFU照射は脱気水で満たされた水槽内で行い,動物実験モデルの巨大膀胱により膨隆した下腹部にHIFUを照射した.照射した瘻孔部位は組織学的検討を行った.結果:5,500 W/cm2の超音波強度においてHIFU照射後60秒以内に膀胱皮膚瘻が下腹部に形成され,瘻孔から尿が噴出することを確認した.組織学的検討では瘻孔周囲の組織には損傷はみられなかった.結論:脱気水で満たされた水槽内での動物実験モデルではあるが,HIFU照射により母獣の腹壁,子宮に侵襲を与えることなく非観血的手技により胎児人工瘻孔を形成できる可能性が示唆された.
Objective: The purpose of this study is to investigate whether high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) exposure is able to produce a fistula between the bladder and abdominal wall of a fetus with lower urinary tract obstruction (LUTO). Materials and methods: We constructed a prototype HIFU transducer in combination with an imaging probe. HIFU was applied to the lower abdomen of a rabbit neonate that was complicated by LUTO as an experimental model to produce a fistula; HIFU was applied in a tank filled with degassed water. Exposed lesions were assessed by histological analysis at necropsy. Results: When HIFU was applied at 5.5 kW/cm2 of spatial-peak temporal average intensity (SPTA), a fistula was created between the lower abdominal wall and the urinary bladder; urine gushed out from the bladder through the fistula within 60 s after HIFU exposure. Conclusion: The findings suggest that fetal diseases such as LUTO can be non-invasively treated using HIFU exposure from even outside the maternal body, though this study was performed in a water tank.