Online Journal
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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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2015 - Vol.42

Vol.42 No.06

Original Article(原著)

(0695 - 0699)


The normal thicknesses of entheseal insertions in the lower limbs of Japanese individuals

加茂 健太1, 西野 聖吾2, 松田 夕子2, 川島 朝子2, 吉本 智子2


1山口赤十字病院整形外科, 2山口赤十字病院検査部

1Department of Orthopedics Surgery, Yamaguchi Red Cross Hospital, 2Department of Clinical Examinations, Yamaguchi Red Cross Hospital

キーワード : enthesitis, spondyloarthritis, entheseal insertions, ultrasound, early arthritis

目的:脊椎関節炎(SpA)の早期診断と活動性の評価に腱付着部炎の超音波検査が用いられている.当科では下肢腱付着部炎の超音波検査スコアであるGlasgow ultrasound enthesitis scoring system(GUESS)を用いて,スクリーニング,活動性の評価を行っている.GUESSでは腱肥厚の閾値が設定されているが,日本人における腱の厚さの正常値が不明である.日本人における大腿四頭筋腱付着部,膝蓋腱付着部(膝蓋骨側,脛骨側),アキレス腱付着部,足底腱膜付着部の腱の厚さの正常値を明らかにすることを目的とした.対象と方法:2014年6月から2015年5月の間に,SpAのGUESSによる評価を目的として超音波検査を施行した77名(770部位)の中で,圧痛のない部位を対象とした.炎症性腸疾患,乾癬,SpAや関節リウマチなど膠原病,X線靭帯骨棘を認める症例を除外した.結果と考察:大腿四頭筋腱付着部41膝,膝蓋腱膝蓋骨付着部では58膝,膝蓋腱脛骨腱付着部53膝,アキレス腱付着部24足,足底腱膜付着部39足が健常群となった.大腿四頭筋腱付着部の厚さは,5.11 mm(95%CI 4.88‐5.34,p<0.01),膝蓋腱膝蓋骨付着部の厚さは,3.25 mm(95%CI 3.08‐3.43,p<0.01),膝蓋腱脛骨腱付着部の厚さは,3.84 mm(95%CI 3.64‐4.05,p<0.01),アキレス腱付着部の厚さは,4.16 mm(95%CI 3.90‐4.43,p<0.01),足底腱膜付着部の厚さは,2.69 mm (95%CI 2.46‐2.92,p<0.01)だった.結論:本調査結果は目安の1つとして有用であるが,日常生活の活動性,体格,疾患,X線靭帯骨棘など腱肥厚に影響を及ぼす因子を考慮し,日本人における正常値を検討する必要がある.

Purpose: Ultrasound examination of enthesitis is used to diagnose spondyloarthritis (SpA) early and to evaluate SpA activity. We used the Glasgow ultrasound enthesitis scoring system (GUESS) to screen and evaluate SpA. GUESS defines the cut-off values for the thicknesses of entheseal insertions. However, the thicknesses of entheseal insertions among Japanese individuals is not known. We aimed to clarify the normal thicknesses of entheseal insertions in the lower limbs of Japanese individuals. Subjects and Methods: We evaluated subclinical sites in 77 individuals (770 sites) to screen for SpA and excluded persons with radiographic evidence of enthesophytes, inflammatory bowel disease, psoriasis, and collagen diseases such as SpA and rheumatoid arthritis. Results and Discussion: We evaluated 41 insertions of the quadriceps muscle, 58 insertions of the proximal patellar tendon, 53 insertions of the distal patellar tendon, 24 insertions of the Achilles tendon, and 39 plantar fascia. The mean thickness of quadriceps muscle insertions was 5.11 mm (95% confidence interval [CI], 4.88-5.34, p<0.01). The mean thickness of proximal patellar tendon insertions was 3.25 mm (95% CI, 3.08-3.43, p<0.01). The mean thickness of distal patellar tendon insertions was 3.84 mm (95% CI, 3.64-4.05, p<0.01). The mean thickness of Achilles tendon insertions was 4.16 mm (95% CI, 3.90-4.43, p<0.01). The mean thickness of the plantar fascia was 2.69 mm (95% CI, 2.46-2.92, p<0.01). Conclusion: Our results provide a useful guide for the average thicknesses of entheseal insertions among Japanese individuals. The normal thicknesses should be validated in a larger Japanese cohort to consider factors such as activities of daily living, body shape, participation in sports, sex, radiographic evidence of enthesophytes, and disease.