Online Journal
IF値: 1.8(2022年)→1.9(2023年)


Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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2016 - Vol.43

Vol.43 No.01

State of the Art(特集)

(0049 - 0054)


SOS from the Stricken Area, and Action in Fukushima

高野 真澄



Intensive Care Unit, Fukushima Medical University

キーワード : disaster, portable ultrasound equipment


The Great East Japan Earthquake generated on March 11, 2011 caused unprecedented damage. In particular, there was serious destruction in three prefectures in the Tohoku area. After the disaster, the Japan Society of Ultrasonics in Medicine (JSUM) sent portable ultrasound equipment to the stricken area. We who live in the stricken area were active in order to put them to practical use. Thanks to the teamwork of the members of JSUM, the portable ultrasound equipment was utilized for primary care and screening of lower limbs thrombosis in the shelters. On the other hand, on the occasion of this activity, the securing of transportation for the equipment was very difficult due to interruption of the transportation system. It is necessary to examine how to secure transportation means and human resources in the event of a disaster in the future.