一般口演 血管
Three Cases of Giant Cell Arteritis with Monckeberg Type Calcification in the Superficial Temporal Artery
天野 里江, 鳥居 裕太, 西尾 進, 平田 有紀奈, 松本 力三, 楠瀬 賢也, 山田 博胤, 佐田 政隆
Rie AMANO, Yuta TORII, Susumu NISHIO, Yukina HIRATA, Rikizo MATSUMOTO, Kenya KUSUNOSE, Hirotsugu YAMADA, Masataka SATA
1徳島大学病院超音波センター, 2徳島大学病院循環器内科, 3徳島大学大学院医歯薬学研究部地域循環器内科学
1Ultrasound Examination Center, Tokushima University Hospital, 2Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Tokushima University Hospital, 3Department of Community Medicine for Cardiology, Tokushima University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
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