Review Article(総説)
(0061 - 0068)
Stepping-up scrotal ultrasonography
白石 周一
東海大学医学部付属八王子病院 臨床検査技術科
Department of Clinical Laboratory, Tokai University Hachioji Hospital
キーワード : scrotal ultrasonography, testis, epididymis, spermatic cord, differentiation in scrotal diseases
Improvements in ultrasound diagnostic devices and ultrasound probes have enabled the widespread use of ultrasonography for assessments of the body surface area. Ultrasonography is minimally invasive, and therefore scrotal ultrasonography has been used since its development to examine testicular diseases. Recently, however, improvements in ultrasound image quality have enabled closer observation of the inside of the scrotum. In this article, I present scrotal ultrasound findings and points of differentiation in scrotal (e.g.,testis, epididymis, spermatic cord) diseases with the aim of further advancing scrotal ultrasonography from its current state.