Online Journal
IF値: 1.8(2022年)→1.9(2023年)


Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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2020 - Vol.47

Vol.47 No.03

Review Article(総説)

(0105 - 0111)

心内腫瘤の鑑別 -血栓か?腫瘤か?-

Differential diagnosis of cardiac mass: Thrombi? Or Tumor?

大門 雅夫1, 中尾 倫子1, 廣川 愛美2, 澤田 直子2, 木村 公一3

Masao DAIMON1, Tomoko NAKAO1, Megumi HIROKAWA2, Naoko SAWADA2, Koichi KIMURA3

1東京大学医学部附属病院検査部, 2東京大学医学部附属病院循環器内科, 3東京大学医科学研究所附属病院内科

1Department of Clinical Laboratory, The University of Tokyo Hospital, 2Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, The University of Tokyo Hospital, 3Department of Internal Medicine, The University of Tokyo, The Institute of Medical Science

キーワード : mass, echocardiography, tumor, thrombus


Diagnostic imaging plays an important role in diagnoses of intracardiac masses and determining therapeutic strategies. Preoperative biopsy tissue diagnosis using forceps for intracardiac masses is contraindicated due to the risk of embolism. As such, the therapeutic strategy (surgery, thrombolytic therapy, or follow-up) is basically determined based on image diagnosis. On the other hand, the heart is a perpetually moving organ. There is a limit in evaluating the morphology and mobility of a moving intracardiac mass using CT or MRI with the limited frame rates. Therefore, noninvasive echocardiography with excellent temporal resolution plays a central role in diagnosing intracardiac masses and deciding therapeutic strategies. Furthermore, there are various types of tumors or masses found in the heart, such as thrombus, infectious vegetations, and benign or malignant tumors. In order to select the appropriate therapeutic strategy, physicians and sonographers who perform echocardiography need to be familiar with the basic differentiation points of these structures. This review briefly provides the basics of how to make a differential diagnosis of intracardiac mass by echocardiography.