Online Journal
IF値: 1.8(2022年)→1.9(2023年)


Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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2020 - Vol.47

Vol.47 No.03

Review Article(総説)

(0113 - 0122)

STC・TGCの適正使用に関する考察 現状と今後の課題 超音波画像の標準化は可能か

Consideration on the proper use of STC / TGC Present and future Is standardization of ultrasonic images possible?

太田 智行

Tomoyuki OHTA


Department of Radiology, International University of Health and Welfare Hospital

キーワード : sensitivity time control, time gain compensation, parameters, B-mode images, standardization


Different examiners' perceptions of manual sensitivity time control (STC) / time gain compensation (TGC) and differences in adjustment methods may prevent reproducible diagnosis and severity assessment. I describe several adjustment methods that are performed on a daily basis, although with little evidence, and discuss problems associated with them. I would like to emphasize again the significance of STC / TGC after reconfirming the origins of conventional B-mode images and the role of parameters. This is an unavoidable issue for the standardization of B-mode images, and we hope that this will be a good opportunity to deepen discussions in the future.