Case Report(症例報告)
(0249 - 0253)
A case of empyema necessitatis successfully diagnosed with ultrasonography from the body surface
田中 由美1, 藤原 宗典1, 濵崎 直樹2, 塩谷 直久2, 柴 五輪男3, 今井 照彦3, 林田 幸治4, 中村 武彦5, 室 繁郎6, 平井 都始子7
Yumi TANAKA1, Munenori FUJIWARA1, Naoki HAMAZAKI2, Naohisa SHIOYA2, Iwao SHIBA3, Teruhiko IMAI3, Koji HAYASHIDA4, Takehiko NAKAMURA5, Shigeo MURO6, Toshiko HIRAI7
1平成記念病院臨床検査課, 2塩谷内科診療所, 3済生会奈良病院内科, 4済生会奈良病院臨床検査部, 5平成記念病院内科, 6奈良県立医科大学呼吸器内科学講座, 7奈良県立医科大学総合画像診断センター
1Department of Clinical Laboratory, Heisei Memorial Hospital, 2Shioya Clinic of Internal Medicine, 3Department of Internal Medicine, Saiseikai Nara Hospital, 4Department of Clinical Laboratory, Saiseikai Nara Hospital, 5Department of Internal Medicine, Heisei Memorial Hospital, 6The Department of Respiratory Medicine, Nara Medical University Hospital, 7The Department of General Diagnostic Imaging Center, Nara Medical University Hospital
キーワード : ultrasonography of respiratory tract, respiratory system, chest wall abscess, fistula, pyothorax necessitates, lung ultrasonography
The sensitivity of ultrasound to detect liquid components in the thoracic cavity is very high, and it is possible to visualize even very small pleural effusions that cannot be discerned by X-ray. There have been many reports that ultrasonography is useful for the diagnosis of pleural effusion, including empyema. However, there have been few reports of chest wall abscess. We report a case of empyema necessitatis that was diagnosed with ultrasonography from the body surface. A 69-year-old man had a mass on the right chest wall during the postoperative course of gastric and lung cancer. He was diagnosed with pleural recurrence of lung cancer and was suspected to have subcutaneous infiltration based on chest CT, and was admitted to the hospital for referral. Ultrasonography showed pleural effusion and oval hypoechoic lesions in the chest wall. A fistula between the pleural cavity and the hypoechoic lesion in the chest wall was detected on ultrasonography. Pleural effusion was seen to flow from the pleural cavity to the chest wall to and fro. We suspected pyothorax necessitatis and made a diagnosis of pyothorax based on thoracentesis. The chest wall mass disappeared for the most part with thoracic drainage. Real-time observation using ultrasonography could be useful for the diagnosis of empyema necessitatis.