Online Journal
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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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2020 - Vol.47

Vol.47 No.05

Case Report(症例報告)

(0205 - 0211)


A case of radial artery epithelioid hemangioma in which ultrasound image changes were observed

齊藤 雪枝1, 佐藤 真由美1, 河野 尚美2, 萩原 浩明3

Yukie SAITO1, Mayumi SATO1, Naomi KAWANO2, Hiroaki HAGIWARA3

1横浜南共済病院臨床検査科, 2横浜南共済病院病理診断科, 3横浜南共済病院放射線科

1Department of Clinical Laboratory, Yokohama Minami Kyousai Hospital, 2Department of Pathology, Yokohama Minami Kyousai Hospital, 3Department of Radiology, Yokohama Minami Kyousai Hospital

キーワード : epithelioid hemangioma, radial artery, rare arterial tumor

症例は20代女性,左前腕部に痛みと腫瘤を自覚し,当院心臓血管外科を紹介受診となった.超音波画像:初回,左前腕近位橈骨動脈に紡錘状動脈瘤を認め,瘤部の壁は肥厚し壁内部に血流が描写された.4ヵ月後,動脈瘤の壁厚は増大し,壁内部の血流が描写された.11ヵ月後,動脈瘤の壁厚は著明に増大し,壁内部の血流が描写された.4年後の超音波検査では左前腕橈骨動脈の瘤は,肥厚した動脈壁と充実性病変として描写され壁内部の血流は僅かであった.手術所見:腫瘤は被膜で覆われており,周囲への癒着はなかった.病理組織学的検査では,類上皮血管腫(epithelioid hemangioma: EH)という診断であった.今回,稀な動脈由来腫瘍の経時的超音波画像変化を報告する.

A woman in her 20s noticed pain and a mass in her left forearm. She was referred to our hospital for a cardiovascular surgery consultation. Ultrasound images: In this case, some changes in ultrasound images of the radial artery were observed over 4 years; the size got bigger, the thickness of the arterial wall increased, and a solid lesion with little blood in the wall was observed. Surgical findings: The tumor was a membrane-covered lesion and had no adhesions around it. Histopathological examination of the aneurysm removed during surgery was performed, and the diagnosis was epithelioid hemangioma. We report the changes in ultrasound images over 4 years in a case of radial artery epithelioid hemangioma.