Ultrasound Image of the Month(今月の超音波像)
(0141 - 0142)
Corrected transposition of great arteries with pulmonary artery atresia
田中 邦生1, 秋葉 洋平1, 上野 和典1, 宮内 潤2, 矢久保 和美1
Kunio TANAKA1, Yohei AKIBA1, Kazunori UENO1, Jun MIYAUCHI2, Kazumi YAKUBO1
1さいたま市立病院産婦人科, 2さいたま市立病院病理診断科
1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Saitama City Hospital, 2Department of Pathology, Saitama City Hospital
キーワード : corrected transposition of great arteries, pulmonary artery atresia, fetal echocardiogram, prenatal diagnosis
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