State of the Art(特集)
(0031 - 0038)
Load test for vascular lesions
寺野 雅美1, 久保田 義則2
Masami TERANO1, Yoshinori KUBOTA2
1独立行政法人国立病院機構京都医療センター臨床検査科, 2北播磨総合医療センター中央検査室
1Department of Clinical Laboratory, Kyoto Medical Center, 2Clinical Laboratory, Kita-Harima Medical Center
キーワード : ultrasound diagnostic equipment, blood flow dynamics, attitude transformation, compression, exercise
Vascular echoes are becoming common due to the significant advances in ultrasound diagnostic equipment. However, there are cases in which they cannot be sufficiently evaluated by routine inspection methods. There are ways to use changes in blood flow dynamics using attitude transformation, compression, and exercise, etc., but it is necessary to use them properly according to the purpose. Needless to say, safety is the top priority.