甲状腺 「甲状腺一般」
Comparison of ultrasound findings between poorly differentiated thyroid carcinoma and well-differentiated thyroid carcinoma
大下 真紀1, 太田 寿1, 筒浦 有紀恵1, 中村 友彦2, 小林 薫3, 西原 永潤2, 廣川 満良4, 宮内 昭3
Maki OSHITA1, Hisashi OTA1, Yukie TUTUURA1, Tomohiko NAKAMURA2, Kaoru KOBAYASHI3, Eijun NISHIHARA2, Mituyoshi HIROKAWA4, Akira MIYAUCHI3
1隈病院 臨床検査科, 2隈病院 内科, 3隈病院 外科, 4隈病院 病理診断科
1Department of Clinical Laboratory, Kuma Hospital, 2Department of Internal Medicine, Kuma Hospital, 3Department of Surgery, Kuma Hospital, 4Department of Pathology, Kuma Hospital
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