小児 「新生児・小児の病態生理を視る」
Analytical study of the sucking movement using the ultrasound technique -Comparison of tongue movement between breast feeding and nursing bottle-
藤原 久美子1, 長岡 亮2, 斎藤 哲3, 江本 夢星4, 中道 尚美1, 野口 誠1, 長谷川 英之2
Kumiko FUJIWARA1, Ryo NAGAOKA2, Satoru SAITOH3, Yura EMOTO4, Naomi NAKAMICHI1, Makoto NOGUCHI1, Hideyuki HASEGAWA2
1富山大学大学院医学薬学研究部 歯科口腔外科学講座, 2富山大学 学術研究部工学系 知能情報工学専攻, 3ピジョン 中央研究所, 4富山大学 工学部 知能情報工学科
1Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Graduate School of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences for Research, University of Toyama, 2Department of Intellectual Information Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Academic Assembly, University of Toyama, 3Central Research Institute, Pigeon Cooporation, 4Department of Intellectual Information Engineering, University of Toyama, Faculty of Engineering
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