一般口演 消化器
A case of pancreas anaplastic carcinoma difficult to differentiated from gastric submucosal tumor
稲垣 正樹1, 玉野 正也2, 内山 健二1, 中島 あつ子1, 伴 慎一3, 奥山 隆4, 吉富 秀幸4, 春木 宏介1
Masaki INAGAKI1, Masaya TAMANO2, Kenji UCHIYAMA1, Atsuko NAKAJIMA1, Shinichi BAN3, Takashi OKUYAMA4, Hideyuki YOSHITOMI4, Kosuke HARUKI1
1獨協医科大学埼玉医療センター臨床検査部, 2獨協医科大学埼玉医療センター消化器内科, 3獨協医科大学埼玉医療センター病理診断科, 4獨協医科大学埼玉医療センター外科
1Clinical Laboratory Department, Dokkyo Medical University Saitama Medical Center, 2Department of Gastroenterology, Dokkyo Medical University Saitama Medical Center, 3Department of Diagnostic Pathology, Dokkyo Medical University Saitama Medical Center, 4Department of Surgery, Dokkyo Medical University Saitama Medical Center
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