一般口演 基礎(工学)
Enhancement of cisplatin therapeutic efficacy for brain tumor by the combination of microbubbles and ultrasound
小俣 大樹1, 宗像 理紗1, 丸山 一雄2, 3, 鈴木 亮1, 3
Daiki OMATA1, Lisa MUNAKATA1, Kazuo MARUYAMA2, 3, Ryo SUZUKI1, 3
1帝京大学薬学部薬物送達学研究室, 2帝京大学薬学部セラノスティクス学講座, 3帝京大学先端総合研究機構
1Laboratory of Drug and Gene Delivery Research, Faculty of Pharma-Science, Teikyo University, 2Laboratory of Theranostics, Faculty of Pharma-Science, Teikyo University, 3Advanced Comprehensive Research Organization, Teikyo University
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