一般口演 基礎(工学)
Rib born detection of scan path planning for fully-automated ultrasound robotic system
奥崎 功大1, 小泉 憲裕1, 葭仲 潔2, 周 家?1, 藤林 巧1, 津村 遼介2
Koudai OKUZAKI1, Norihiro KOIZUMI1, Kiyoshi YOSHINAKA2, Jiayi ZHOU1, Takumi FUJIBAYASHI1, Ryosuke TSUMURA2
1電気通信大学情報理工学域, 2産業技術総合研究所健康医工学研究部門
1Department of Mechanical and Intelligent Systems Engineering, The University of Electro-Communications, 2Health and Medical Research Institute, National Institute of Advanced Industrial and Science
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