Review Article(総説)
(0261 - 0272)
脂肪肝の超音波診断とメタボ撮影のコツ:消化器 初級
Tips and Tricks for Ultrasound-based Diagnosis of Metabolic Syndrome including Fatty Liver
小川 眞広, 松本 直樹, 渡邊 幸信
Masahiro OGAWA, Naoki MATSUMOTO, Yukinobu WATANABE
Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of Medicine, Nihon University School of Medicine
キーワード : fatty liver, metabolic syndrome
日本超音波学会ホームページで2019年 5月に公示された脂肪肝診断基準についての解説とメタボ症例に対する超音波検査のコツを解説する.脂肪肝の定義として各学会のコンセンサスにより肝細胞に占める脂肪滴の割合が「30%以上」から「5%以上」に変更された.本稿では,この変更された脂肪肝に対する超音波診断基準のBモードの診断ポイントについて述べる.さらに,いわゆる“メタボ”症例(腹部の膨満が強く,内臓脂肪や皮下脂肪が厚い被検者)に対して役立つ撮影のコツについても触れる.メタボリックシンドロームでの超音波検査のポイントとしては,(1)先入観の排除(外見に騙されない),(2)適切な圧迫と呼吸法の調節,(3)肋間走査の有効活用,(4)装置の条件設定を変更,(5)体位変換を有効に活用,の5項目が挙げられ,これらについて解説を加える.本稿が会員の皆様にとって日常診療の参考になれば幸いである.
Ultrasound-based diagnostic criteria for fatty liver were published on the website of The Japan Society of Ultrasonics in Medicine in May 2019. Here, tips and tricks for ultrasound-based diagnosis of metabolic syndrome including fatty liver are presented. First, it should be noted that the pathological definition of fatty liver was changed as follows: the standard rate of lipid droplets in hepatocytes was lowered from “30% or more" to “5% or more" by the consensus of some academic societies. In addition, special ultrasound examination techniques are required in patients with metabolic syndrome because of abdominal bloating and subcutaneous/intraperitoneal fat accumulation. The key points of ultrasound-based diagnosis of metabolic syndrome are as follows: (i) elimination of preconceptions, (ii) appropriate compression of transducer and breathing control, (iii) effective use of intercostal scanning, (iv) try changing the ultrasound machine settings, and (v) effective use of patient position changes. We hope the information provided will be useful in your daily medical practice.