Review Article(総説)
(0049 - 0062)
Treatment of secondary mitral regurgitation by transcatheter edge-to-edge repair using MitraClip
板橋 裕史1, 小林 さゆき1, 水谷 有克子1, 鳥飼 慶2, 田口 功1
1獨協医科大学埼玉医療センター循環器内科, 2獨協医科大学埼玉医療センター心臓血管外科
1Department of Cardiology,Dokkyo Medical University Saitama Medical Center, 2Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Dokkyo Medical University Saitama Medical Center
キーワード : MitraClip, transcatheter edge-to-edge repair, secondary mitral regurgitation, echocardiography, threedimensional (3D) echocardiograph
二次性MRの中でも心室性機能性MRにおいては,MitraClipによる治療が標準的な治療となりつつある.心室性機能性MRをMitraClipによって制御するためには,逆流の発症機序と重症度を的確に判定する必要がある.しかし二次性MRの重症度は一次性MRに比べて過小評価されやすく,また経時的に変動するという問題があるため正確に重症度を判定するためには重症度判定アルゴリズムを正しく活用し,負荷心エコーを積極的に活用することが重要である.またMitraClipによる治療を行うためには事前に留置手技に関する難易度を判定しなければならない.まず弁尖のクレフト,僧帽弁狭窄症や弁尖穿孔などのMitraClipによる治療が適さない形態的特徴がないことを確認する.さらに僧帽弁口面積,経僧帽弁圧較差,coaptation depth,coaptation lengthと後尖長を計測しEVEREST II の患者判定基準やGerman consensusの基準に基づき手技難易度を判定する.MitraClip留置後は医原性MS,残存MRの程度を評価することに加え,肺静脈血流波形や一回心拍出量などを計測し,最終的に血行動態の改善が得られたかを総合的に判断することが重要である.二次性MRのうち心房性機能性MRに対してもMitraClipによる治療がなされており,有効性を示唆するいくつかの報告が見受けられるが,現状ではエビデンスを蓄積している段階である.
Transcatheter edge-to-edge repair (TEER) is becoming the standard invasive treatment for ventricular functional mitral regurgitation (MR). It is necessary to determine the severity of MR before treatment with MitraClip; however, the severity of secondary MR is usually underestimated compared with that of primary MR and varies temporally. Therefore, to accurately determine the severity of MR, it is important to correctly use the algorithm of the guidelines for valvular heart disease and aggressively perform stress echocardiography. Before performing TEER, the difficulty of the procedure should be evaluated. First, morphological features that make TEER unsuitable, such as cleft of the mitral leaflet, mitral stenosis (MS), or perforation of the mitral leaflet, should be checked. The mitral valve orifice area, transmitral valve pressure gradient, coaptation depth, coaptation length, and posterior leaflet length should be measured to determine the difficulty of the procedure based on the inclusion criteria of Endovascular Valve Edge-to-Edge Repair Study II and the German consensus. After MitraClip implantation, in addition to assessing the severity of MS and residual MR, the pulmonary venous flow pattern and stroke volume should be evaluated to comprehensively assess whether TEER improves the hemodynamics. MitraClip has also been used to treat atrial functional MR, another type of secondary MR. Several reports suggest that MitraClip is effective for atrial functional MR; however, evidence is still being accumulated.