特別プログラム 消化器
パネルディスカッション 消化器6
Aiming for the diagnosis of high-grade pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia/pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma smaller than 10 mm using endoscopic ultrasound -Evaluation of the importance and the objectivity of indirect findings-
佐上 亮太1, 2, 6, 山雄 健太郎2, 3, 南 竜輝2, 4, 仲程 純2, 5, 錦織 英史6, 岡本 和久1, 広島 康久1, 東 祥史1, 水上 一弘1, 村上 和成1
Ryota SAGAMI1, 2, 6, Kentaro YAMAO2, 3, Ryuki MINAMI2, 4, Jun NAKAHODO2, 5, Hidefumi NISHIKIORI6, Kazuhisa OKAMOTO1, Yasuhisa HIROSHIMA1, Yoshifumi AZUMA1, Kazuhiro MIZUKAMI1, Kazunari MURAKAMI1
1大分大学消化器内科学講座, 2Pancreatic Cancer Research for Secure Salvage Young Investigators(PASSYON)膵臓研究班, 3名古屋大学消化器内科, 4天理病院消化器内科, 5都立駒込病院消化器内科, 6大分三愛メディカルセンター消化器内科
1Department of Gastroenterology, Oita University, 2Pancreatology Reserch Group, Pancreatic Cancer Research for Secure Salvage Young Investigators(PASSYON), 3Department of Gastroenterology, Nagoya University, 4Department of Gastroenterology, Tenri Hospital, 5Department of Gastroenterology, Tokyo Metropolitan Cancer and Infectious Disease Center Komagome Hospital, 6Department of Gastroenterology, Oita San-ai Medical Center
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