一般口演 消化器
肝臓脂肪性肝疾患 1
Detection of Dangerous Liver Steatosis : MASLD by Ultrasound Examination and Investigation of Complications of Metabolic Syndrome: Relationship with Evaluation of Liver Fibrosis and Steatosis
菅野 雅彦1, 永田 聖華2, 松野 たか子3
Masahiko SUGANO1, Seika NAGATA2, Takako MATSUNO3
1すがの内科クリニック内科, 2すがの内科クリニック検査室, 3すがの内科クリニック看護部
1Internal Medicine, Sugano Internal Medicine Clinic, 2Laboratory, Sugano Internal Medicine Clinic, 3Nurcing, Sugano Internal Medicine Clinic
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